The data controller is HOZEN, which belongs to the legal entity Jishu HOZEN Consultores, Lda.
We collect only personally identifiable information that is specifically and voluntarily provided by visitors to the Hozen website. Hozen receives limited identifying information, such as name, company, position, address, e-mail address, and telephone numbers from website visitors. Generally, identifying information is collected for:
- Registration for certain areas of the site
- Request for additional information
- Distribution of requested reference materials
- Sending CVs
- Registration for courses and workshops
Demographic information, including gender and occupation, is not required. It is HOZEN’s policy to limit the collection of information, so that it is only sufficient to satisfy the visitor’s requests. In cases where non-mandatory information is requested, the website visitor will be notified of this situation at the time of data collection. Visitors will also be able to send emails through the website. Each message will have the user’s name and email address, as well as additional information that the user considers important to include in the message.
A visit to our website may also result in the sending of a user’s CV to a HOZEN recipient. Outside the cases provided for by law, the processing of personal data related to philosophical or political beliefs, party or union affiliation, religious faith, private life and racial or ethnic origin, as well as the processing of data related to health and sexual life, is prohibited, including genetic data.
The personally identifiable information provided to HOZEN through its website is voluntarily provided by visitors. If you wish to unsubscribe from email lists or any registrations, you can do so by email sent to our DPO, via
All visitors have the right to change the personal data they have submitted through the HOZEN website.
Updates, requests for access or removal of information from users must be made through a request sent by email sent to our DPO, through Whenever this happens, HOZEN will eliminate or correct visitor information, from all repositories in use.
Whenever HOZEN stores identifying information, it assumes the responsibility of maintaining a strict record of that information, once submitted by the visitor and after verification of the data by the visitor. However, HOZEN is not responsible for verifying the continuous accuracy of the content of personal information. Whenever possible, if HOZEN becomes aware that certain information collected through the website is no longer accurate, HOZEN will introduce the necessary corrections based on the update provided by the authenticated visitor.
HOZEN has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures in order to protect personal data from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. All HOZEN employees follow a network security policy. Only HOZEN authorized employees have access to personal data, which are also bound by the duty of secrecy and confidentiality.
HOZEN sites are not intended for use by minors. It is not HOZEN’s policy or intention to collect and intentionally process personal data from minors.
HOZEN reserves the right to modify or amend this Declaration at any time, so it is advisable to consult it periodically.
For further clarification, please contact our DATA PROTECTION OFFICER: